Home » Solar Design Engineer
Solar Design Engineer
Solar Design Engineer
Description: Solar engineers work within the broader field of electrical engineering to design and develop solar systems that turn energy into electricity. Solar design engineers reduce dependency on gas and oil, and design systems that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 
Knowledge Required: Solar design engineers must have knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, structural requirements, local climates and thermodynamics. They must also be proficient in computer-aided design software, and oral and written communication.
Skills: Innovation, self-motivation, creativity, attention to detail, communication 
Career Path: Solar engineers have at least a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. However, some jobs may require a master’s or doctoral degree because of the complexity of the systems. 
Best Cities for this job: Large cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. 
Median Annual Income: National: $54,440-$64,474, CA: $83,000
Future Growth: Jobs are expected to grow in all the major sectors of the solar power industry, including manufacturing, project development, construction, operation and maintenance, and installation.
From the Field: “I try to find the right balance between functionality and aesthetics.” - Stefania Cargnello
Did You Know?: Even on cloudy days, solar modules produce electricity - usually around 10-20% of the amount produced on sunny days.
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