Home » Mushroom Kit Entrepreneurs
Mushroom Kit Entrepreneurs


Description An entrepreneur is an owner or manager of a business enterprise who makes money through risk and initiative. Most successful entrepreneurial endeavors begin with a unique and creative idea.


Knowledge Required: Knowledge of business administration, accounting, and marketing is valuable for starting up a new business. Additional knowledge required depends on the type of business or product being developed. 


Skills: Customer service, communication, problem-solving time management, teamwork, critical thinking, innovation, business management, sales and marketing


Career Path: Although a postsecondary education is not required to start your own business, classes in business, marketing, and communication are recommended. A graduate or undergraduate degree in business and/or marketing can provide the required knowledge.


Best Cities for this job:  Metropolitan areas such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles


From the field: "There's no roadmap to it. We just learned as we went. And it was scary at times, but also really fun when you figured out something no one had ever done before." - Alejandro Velez


Where Are They Now?: Back To the Roots gained distribution with Whole Foods, Safeway, and Home Depot, and has a projected revenue $5.4 million.


Did You Know?: There are about 300 species of edible mushrooms, but only about 10 that can be grown commercially.


Social Media Description:  Nikhil Arora and Alejandro Velez are graduates from UC Berkeley who used what they learned in the classroom to create a distinctive small business. As part of ConnectEd's "Day in the Life" series, Nikhil and Alejandro talk about the importance of being willing to work hard for what you believe in.


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