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Research Operations Manager

Research Operations Manager

Description: Research Operations Managers (scientists) direct and oversee scientific research. They plan, conduct, and analyze experiments, and also manage and oversee various laboratory activities. 

Knowledge Required: Attention to detail, communication, problem solving, time management, organization, computer and technical skills, and the ability to analyze and process data 

Skills: Research scientists must be capable of devising and conducting experiments, carrying out fieldwork, processing and analyzing results and data, teaching and demonstrating to students and members of staff, and communicating with staff and the scientific community.

Career Path: Research scientists often focus on computer science, chemistry, physics, mathematics or biology, and undertake more advanced courses during graduate work or through internships. 

Best Cities for this job: California, Texas, New York, Florida and Ohio have the highest concentration of research scientists.

Median Annual Income: National: $61,700 California: $69,000

Future Growth: The Bureau of Labor Statistic predicts a 19 percent growth in employment from 2010 to 2020, higher than the average for all occupations.

From the field: “We are working on problems that can really have a positive effect on the world and that’s an exciting thing because you can see the changes, and you can see how research results can directly translate into a better environment.” – Mara Bryan, Research Operations Manager, Energy Biosciences Institute

Did You Know?: Almost half of renewable energy produced in the United States comes from biomass sources, like wood and paper products.

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