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Vegan Baker

Vegan Baker

Description: Bakers mix and bake ingredients to produce varying types and quantities of breads, pastries, and other baked goods. Vegan bakers in particular must find alternatives to traditional baking ingredients and be more creative with recipes.

Knowledge Required:  Bakers must be detail oriented, have excellent communication and keen arithmetic skills, and have enough stamina to work on their feet for long periods of time. As a small business owner, it is important to have a general knowledge of business management, finance, and customer service.

Skills:Culinary ability and creativity,attention to detail, time management, comprehension, and a sense of taste and smell.

Career Path: Bakers often start their careers as apprentices or trainees in craft or supermarket bakeries. Many apprentice bakers also participate in correspondence study and work towards a certificate in baking.

Best Cities for this job:Metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Houston or Philadelphia employ the most bakers.

Median Annual Income: National: $26,306, CA: $30,000

Future Growth: The Bureau of Labor Statistic predicts a 2 percent (less than average) growth in employment between 2010 and 2020.

From the field:"I have an accounting background, so that was helpful too, but a lot of it [isn't taught] in class. You kind of just have to learn as you go." - Shannon Michelle Radke

Did You Know?: Cinnamon rolls can be traced from the ancient Greeks through the Middle Ages and on to present day America.

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