Home » Acupuncturist

Acupuncturist/Chinese Medicine

Description: A licensed acupuncturist uses fine needles beneath the skin to encourage the proper circulation of the energy force within the body. Practitioners often use Chinese herbs to treat patients.

Knowledge Required: Anatomy, physiology, psychology, biology, Chinese herbology

Skills: Strong communication and listening skills, and commercial skills, as practitioners must be comfortable working with patients and be able to inspire confidence.

Career Path: In order to become an acupuncturist, you must graduate from a school of acupuncture in the state where you will eventually practice. Most practitioners are self employed. A small number teach, conduct research, or work in clinics.

Best Cities for this job: Cities and small communities where there is a concentration of patients seeking alternative medicine. San Francisco, Berkeley, and Santa Cruz have high concentrations of Chinese medicine practitioners.

Median Annual Income: National: $40,000 CA: $45,000

Future Growth: The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 20% increase in employment, much faster than average.

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