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Robotics Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Description: Robotics Engineers design, debug, install, calibrate, operate, or maintain robots. Robots are used in a variety of fields to increase volume and efficiency.

Knowledge Required: Engineering, electrical, computers, design, mechanical, mathematics, physics, production, processing, English, administration and management

Skills: Robotics engineers must use critical thinking and problem solving to identify problems and solutions when working with robotics. Communication is important when troubleshooting issues for clients. Engineers must be able to monitor and analyze to ensure that the machine is running properly.

Career Path: High school students pursuing a career as a Robotics Engineer should take advanced placement classes in computer science, physics, and algebra. The next step is to enroll in a college that is licensed by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) to receive a bachelor's in Engineering. While in college, it is important to pursue an internship. Graduates can find many job opportunities with manufacturing companies, military agencies and private organizations.

Best Cities for this job: The top city to pursue a career in the field of engineering is Houston, Texas. The second best city to find employment in the engineering field is Chicago, Illinois. New York, New York, and Atlanta, Georgia come in fourth and fifth, respectively. In California, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Santa Clara offer many employment opportunities. There are many engineering jobs available throughout the United States. Jobs are often more readily available to those willing to relocate outside of metropolitan areas.

Median Annual Income: National: $77,020 CA: $86,380

Future Growth: The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 6 percent increase of jobs in the next decade.

From the Field: "I come to work and I actually use a screwdriver and break things, if I want, or put things together. And I get paid for it. I really like working with what I call toys. I get paid to just think any way that I want and see if it works." - Dr. Ayanna Howard, Robotics Engineer

Did you know? As a group, engineers earn some of the highest average starting salaries among those holding bachelor's degrees.

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