Home » Robotics Engineer
Robotics Engineer

Description: Robotics engineers design, build, and experiment with robots and robotic systems for a variety of uses, such as research, therapy, education, and entertainment.

Knowledge Required: Robotics engineers have knowledge of physics, chemistry, geometry, algebra, calculus, psychology and social science, as well as computer science and applied technology.

Skills: Attention to detail, collaboration, communication, computer-aided design, computer programming, creativity critical-thinking, engineering, and problem solving.

Career Path: A roboticist must obtain at least a bachelor’s degree in robotics, mechanical, electronics or software engineering from a college that is licensed by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). To pursue advanced positions, such as in teaching, research or management, a graduate degree or PhD is essential.

Best Cities for this job: Houston, Chicago, New York, and Atlanta.  In California, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Santa Clara offer many employment opportunities. 

Median Annual Income: National: $92,680 CA: $102,500

Future Growth: Although the projected growth for careers in robotics is slower than average, the development of technology and uses for robotics means robotics engineers may have more opportunities than other types of engineers.

From the field:  “Robot whispering for me is about making sure robots behave well in human environments….” – Dr. Tessa Lau

Did You Know:  The world robot population is at 8.6 million and counting!

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