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What is Certification?

The Linked Learning Alliance has established three levels of certification for Linked Learning Pathways: Candidate, Silver, and Gold. While ConnectEd does not certify pathways, we work closely with the Alliance and are aligning our tools to support this process. Specifically, our Online Tool for Pathway Improvement and Certification (OPTIC), has proven to be an effective scaffold and learning resource for districts and pathway teams pursuing Linked Learning Certification.

Why do pathways pursue Certification?

Linked Learning, as an approach, has been widely studied and has shown improved student outcomes when: pathways have implemented with a high degree of fidelity and have met particular pathway quality criteria. Pathways who have not met these quality criteria are less likely to have the impact on student outcomes that they desire. Organizing a district, a school, or a pathway towards pursuing certification makes the work clear, understandable, and achievable.

How Do We Get Started?

The first step is registering your pathway with the Linked Learning Alliance, or visiting their website to learn more about the process.